Bethany Navajeevan Physiotherapy Clinic
& Rehabilitation Centre
neurological physiotherapy
Neurological physiotherapy is the assessment, treatment and management of people with neurological disorders . Neurological conditions are those affecting the brain, spinal cord and nerves.
A brain tumor is a lump or abnormal cells in your brain. There are both benign (noncancerous) and malignant (cancerous) tumors can occur. Primary brain tumors are those that start in the brain; secondary (metastatic) brain tumors are those that start in other regions of the body and spread to the brain.
The symptoms are influenced by the size, location, and development rate of the tumor which
Headaches that gradually get worse and occur more frequently
Vomiting or nausea
Vision problems including double vision, blurring of vision, or reduced peripheral vision
Gradual loss of feeling or motion in a leg or arm
Problems with equilibrium
Speech problems
Decision-making challenges
Inability to obey simple instructions
Changes in the behaviour or personality
Seizures, especially in someone who has never had seizures before
Hearing issues.
Rehabilitation after treatment
The rehabilitation protocol will vary according to the extent of symptoms and aims of the treatment.
It may include:
ï‚· Head/neck and trunk control exercises
ï‚· Bed mobility and wheelchair exercises
ï‚· Upper and lower limb strengthening exercises
ï‚· Sensory stimulation
ï‚· Soft tissue mobilization, stretches, and massage
ï‚· Balancing exercise in sitting or standing and gait re-education and stair practice
Bona fide by : Archana Nirmal
Verified by : Ansha
The specific causes of neurological problems vary, but can include genetic disorders, congenital abnormalities or disorders, infections, lifestyle or environmental health problems including malnutrition, and brain injury, spinal cord injury or nerve injury.
The nervous system is vulnerable to various disorders.
It can be damaged by the following:
Structural defects.
Blood flow disruption.
Autoimmune disorders.
Other causes of pain include postural strain, repetitive movements, overuse, and prolonged immobilization.
Changes in posture or poor body mechanics may bring about spinal alignment problems and muscle shortening, therefore causing other muscles to be misused and become painful.
Movement Disorders
Difficulty With Fine or Gross Motor Skills
Jerky Movement
Reduced Balance
Reduced Range of Movement
Slow or Rigid Movement
Muscular Problems
High & Low Tone
Soft Tissue Contractures
Sensory Problems
Abnormal Sensation
Reduced Proprioception
Reduced Coordination
Decreased Stamina & Fitness Levels
Difficulty Sleeping
Neuropathic Pain
Post Stroke Pain
Walking Problems
Abnormal Gait
Foot Drop
Increased Risk of Falling
Functional Problems
Breathing Difficulties
Difficulty Driving
Difficulty Transferring
Difficulty With Everyday Tasks
Hand and Arm Problems
Loss of Independence
Complex Problems
​Cognition Problems
Communication Problems
Developmental Problems
Learning Difficulties
The aim of neurophysiotherapy is to help rehabilitate physical impairments caused by neurological conditions as already mentioned. It is tailored to the specific needs of each individual with a personalized goal-oriented target. For example, does the patient need big improvements such as learning to walk again, or is it small fine movements that need correction? This will be determined by trained neurological physiotherapists on an initial visit.
The brain is able to both lose and form new connections, a phenomenon called neuroplasticity. Neurophysiotherapy is different from traditional physiotherapy in that it takes advantage of this phenomenon, helping the brain to form new synaptic connections. In effect, it rewires the brain to learn or re-learn tasks and abilities.
Neurophysiotherapy can either be conducted on a one-on-one manner, as when the posture is to be improved or a patient needs to re-learn how to walk, stand or sit if the damage is severe. Other tasks such as walking and moderate exercises may also be performed in groups to create a friendlier environment and make rehabilitation more enjoyable.
Neurophysiotherapy does not stop at simple passive exercises or tailored exercises to build strength and coordination. Depending on the extent of motor dysfunction, limb positioning or splints may be prescribed to aid joint recovery. In certain cases, mobility aids may be needed such as a walking frame or specialised wheelchair, including training to use them.
In all cases of neurophysiotherapy, exercises taught by trained neurological physiotherapists are to be repeated both in the clinic and at home on a daily basis to ensure muscle tone and motor function does not deteriorate. These may include simple 'at-home’ exercises, or frequent visits to the clinic to engage in tailored or group activities.
Rehabilitation will depend on the extent of the brain damage/injury, as well as how early neurophysiotherapy begins. Furthermore, the attitude or willingness of the affected individual is also crucial to success. Caregivers and family members need to be equally engaged in the process, not only to ensure that neurophysiotherapy is being performed both at home as well as in the clinic, but also to improve the patient’s morale and attitude.