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1. Ensures You Don’t Aggravate an Existing Injury.


Thousands of people currently have an underlying injury without even being aware of it. Although some people may occasionally experience pain, they dismiss it as unimportant and attribute it to the weather or a "off day." They almost certainly will further injure the impacted muscles, tissues, and tendons by performing the exercise with an injury. If the injury is not treated today, the healing process will be much more difficult and time-consuming in the future.


2. Ensures proper form for injury prevention.


A physiotherapist will make sure you don't start your new fitness regimen with poor technique, which is the main reason for injuries in a gym setting.
Your physiotherapist will examine your posture, flexibility, balance, gait, and overall core fitness during the evaluation. This procedure is very significant. For instance, bad posture affects shoulder biomechanics, which increases the risk of injury when performing workouts found in most gyms, like overhead presses and raises. Alternatively, while using a treadmill or stair climber, a poor gait (way of walking) can quickly cause a slip (and later injury). 


A physiotherapist has much greater and more knowledgeable insight into these issues. Visit a physiotherapist for an evaluation so they can help you avoid getting hurt at the gym. By visiting a physiotherapist in advance, concealed injuries will be found during the assessment & evaluation and proper rehab services would be provided inorder to first recover from the hidden injuries and then workout specific exercies and movements recommended by the physiotherapist which would streghthen your musculoskeletal without injuries. Thus joining a neighbourhood gym with physiotherapist asssitance will let you make the most out of your new gym subscription. 


3. Your fitness trainer's provided programme will be examined by a physiotherapist.


A licenced physiotherapist has a much better understanding of biomechanics, the science of movement, in additional to the previous point. However, a fitness trainer does not possess the same expert level understanding of how muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to create movement (unless they are also certified physiotherapists). This is why it's crucial that you take the suggestions and plan that the fitness trainer gives you during your initial consultation and bring it to a physiotherapist who is much more familiar with your medical background, present limitations, and your particular biomechanics. To reduce the chance of injury, your therapist might adjust the exercises or include stretches and other movements. 








1. What is the role of a Fitness Trainer ?


A Fitness Trainers work with healthy bodies and focus on building muscle mass, fitness, and aesthetics.


2. What is the role of a Physiotherapist ?


A Physiotherapists work with injured bodies and focus on pain management and rehabilitation to keep you moving.


3. Knowledge of the body and it's mechanics by Fitness Trainer while addressing Sports Activities. 


Fitness trainer can assist you in maintaining a high degree of fitness while also assisting you in developing your strength, movement, and endurance. However, because of their specialised knowledge in the industry, personal trainers are beneficial for players. They can instruct you in proper posture and movement.


4. Knowledge of the body and it's mechanics by Physiotherapist while addressing Sports Activities. 


Physiotherapists concentrate on medical conditions and injuries caused during sports activities and support the body's healing process by strengthening it. Physiotherapists will frequently use specialised physical therapy techniques, such as mobilization and manipulation as well as used various modalities to treat musculoskeletal problems and help you in improving mobility and range of motion thus help you recover and get back to your sports activities.


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