Bethany Navajeevan Physiotherapy Clinic
& Rehabilitation Centre
rheumatological physiotherapy
Rheumatological physiotherapy is a specific form of physiotherapy aimed at treating a variety of rheumatological conditions. Rheumatological conditions are autoimmune diseases which cause inflammation to joints, muscles, tendons or ligaments. The causes of these conditions are often unknown although hereditary factors can be common.

Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory condition that can cause some of the bones in the vertebrae to fuse. This fusing makes the spine less flexible which results in a hunched posture. If ribs are affected, there will be breathing difficulty.
Lowe back and hip stiffness may be the first signs and symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis, especially in the morning and after periods of inactivity. Fatigue and neck pain are also frequent. At sporadic periods over time, symptoms may get better, get worse, or stop completely.
The regions most affected are:- the connection between the pelvis and the base of the spine, ,the lower backs vertebrae, primarily in the spine, but occasionally also down the back of the heel, the joint between the ribs and the breastbone, the hip, and shoulder joints.
Although there is no etiology for ankylosing spondylitis, genetic factors play a role. The chance of developing ankylosing spondylitis is in those who carry the HLA-B27 gene. Only some carriers of the gene may experience the illness.
Physiotherapy management
Physiotherapy is a crucial component of treatment. Its objectives include pain relief, improvement of the patient’s psychological status, reduction of morning stiffness, correction of postural abnormalities, increased mobility, and increased spinal mobility and functional capacity. A monitored or private home exercise program is preferable. The three primary components of rehabilitation are education, a plan of individualized exercises, and a schedule of physical activities that can be done at home or in a group setting.

Heart and circulation issues are referred to as cardiovascular issues. One important system that is essential to your survival is your cardiovascular system. This is why, if there is a problem, it is crucial to receive efficient treatment. Cardiovascular issues can be quite crippling, and physiotherapy is essential to recovery. The goal of physical therapy is to gradually get the patient back to their previous level of activity.
A skilled physical therapist will evaluate your cardiovascular health, pain thresholds, and muscle strength. Either at home or at one of our clinic locations, assessments can be given. You will have the chance to review the assessment's results and set specific goals with your therapist. A short-term objective would be to walk 10 metres with a stick in two weeks. To swim three laps of the pool in five minutes might be a more long-term objective. Goals vary from person to person and are based on your present level of fitness, your interests, and your aspirations. To assist you in achieving these goals within the allotted time span, your physiotherapist will collaborate closely with you.
You will be given an exercise regimen to follow outside of therapy sessions by your physiotherapist. These workouts will help you achieve your goals and be interesting, difficult, and exciting. You must learn how to warm up before exercise and cool down afterward if you want to securely control your heart rate. Your physiotherapist will assist you in learning how to keep an eye on your angina symptoms to lower the likelihood of developing future cardiac issues.
The wide variety of benefits include:
Increased cardiovascular fitness
Increased flexibility and range of movement
Exercise in confidence with the supervision of a specialist physiotherapist
Decrease your risk factors for further cardiovascular problems
Learn the best exercises for you to do in the gym or at home
Learn how to integrate fitness and exercise into your daily routine
Maintain your motivation to keep your risk factors under control
Access to a gym or hydrotherapy pool